Amalgamation! Manipulating Forms with Clay


Instructor: Daven Hee
Schedule: Saturday & Sunday, November 20 -21 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
# of Sessions: 2
Location: Ceramic Studio
Level/Prerequisite: Intermediate (Some basic skills and understanding of the medium are required).
Tuition/Admission: $155 Member/$195 Non-Member
Supply Fee: $55

Class Description: 

Multiple forms can be created by joining pieces together. Simple manipulation and altering can bring everyday pots to life. The potter's wheel is a tool to make everyday functional objects. We will look at how to alter and add to the basic bowl, mug, teapot, jar and vase. This will be done by combining and stacking multiple thrown shapes together. This is a hands-on class with an ongoing formative critique of the students' work. A hand held torch will be used to speed up the forming process. Daily demonstrations and slide lectures will support the process.

Arist Bio:
Daven Hee is a potter and ceramic artist. He has a BFA from the University of Hawaii and a MAVA from the Australian National University in Australia. Daven has taught ceramics at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, The Ala Wai Arts and Crafts Center, Hawaii Potter’s Guild, has taught as a lecturer at the University of Hawaii, and currently teaches ceramics and art at Mid-Pacific Institute. He has exhibited locally, nationally and internationally and has work in the collection of the Honolulu Academy of Arts, The Contemporary Museum, The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, The Australian National University, National Institute for the Arts, and many private collections both locally and abroad.